Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

The Lava Team

Our Founders

Abba Arunga Kidenda

Co-founder & Vibes Creator

I’m a part human, part high-strung cartoon character. Happiest when: having philosophical debates with my obese cat Pepper, eating all the delicious things, drinking tea, pretending to be a pro-athlete and traveling - especially to beach towns. Buying, smelling and reading books also bring me great joy. I am constantly doodling about my life experiences on my blog Abba Anxiety (2017 Best Creative Blog Nominee) but panic when people refer to me as a cartoonist. Deep down inside, it’s extremely pleasing. I am deeply creative, and passionate about using my creativity to bring beauty to the world or solve complex business problems. I detest caterpillars.

Kagure Wamunyu

Co-founder & Mama Lava Latte

They call me Mama Lava Latte coz I like to strategize and operationalize things. I am a dog and cappuccino lava and a transpo nerd. I am a sucker for quotes and memes. I love to travel and if I had it my way, I would be in a different country every 3 months though I never want to live outside Kenya. My family is my world. When I grow up I want to be an angel investor. I believe in taking a chance on people.<br />

Leah Otieno

Operations partner & Miss Money Bags

They call me Miss Money Bags or Leah Lava Latte because I make Lava Latte’s world go around. I am the operation and coordination front for Lava Latte managing its operations. I love non traditional work that gives me flexibility. I find joy in working with high energy environments where things are getting done. Lava Latte is my second go at running a business. Before Lava Latte came along I had started Mshonaji, a concierge tailoring service. In between running Lava Latte, you can find me looking for fabric, chasing tailors and thinking up new clothing designs. My background is in economics finance and accounting, have a passion for african fashion and local manufacturing.

The Inner Circle

Ian Arunga

Creative Partner & Lead Socialite

I am a multi-disciplinary designer and overall cool guy. Thoroughly in love with art, books and chapati. Time not spent designing, sleeping, writing or watching sad movies is dedicated to thinking about how it feels like being the greatest at something in the world... Like Serena and Tennis - and working towards my 'greatest!'

Fur Squad



I love everyone and everything around me especially, rubs, chapatis and other dogs. Every weekend I get to run and play with other dogs at the backyard of Lava Latte. In my free time, I am free.

Pepper (Otas)


Honestly I don’t know who thought it was ok to interrupt my schedule for this interview. What can I say, I’m just a big hungry lady man cat living one belly rub at a time. You should try our chicken wings.